AI Tools for Science Teachers

  • MagicSchool

    MagicSchoolAI: Science Tools is a robust AI-driven lesson plan generator packed with features that greatly assist teachers in crafting lesson plans, activities, and assessments aligned with curriculum standards.

    Features: For science teachers, the Science Lab Generator is a special offering. By inputting specific criteria, the tool provides a structured lab plan, which can then be adjusted based on classroom needs. Other tools, like the Three Dimensional Science Assessment Generator and the 5E Model Science Lesson Plan Generator, offer varied methods for lesson planning and student assessment. Moreover, there is a Table Analysis Generator that leverages AI to generate a table with data of your choice with associated questions that students can analyze in an assignment.

    Price: As of January 2024, MagicSchool.AI is no longer completely for teachers. That said, offers limited free features, including lesson planning, lesson planning, differentiation, writing feedback and more. For unlimited usage and plus features the cost is $8.33/month.

  • eduaide

    Eduaide: Science Tools

    Eduaide is another powerful AI-driven lesson plan generator full of handy resources.

    Features: Eduaide offers specialized resources for science teachers, including the Lab + Materials tool, which recommends materials and procedures to foster hands-on scientific inquiry. In addition, the Eduaide STEM Project tool is designed for crafting STEM activities, complete with critical thinking questions and a breakdown of STEM principles. You’ll find the Lab + Material tool and the STEM in the Cooperative Learning section.

    With Eduaide’s Content Generator, you can uncover Science resources for primary, secondary and postsecondary science classrooms. Science teachers may also want to leverage the Project Based Learning tool, found in the Cooperative Learning section.

    Price: Eduaide was free up to 300 generations a month, but as of January 2024 that was reduced to 15 generations a month. For unlimited access to all tools and resources you’ll pay $5.99/month.

  • ChatGPT

    ChatGPT: Science Uses

    ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot from OpenAI that can be an invaluable tool for science teachers.

    Features: In Biology, ChatGPT can assist in explaining complex concepts such as cell division, genetics, and evolution in a simplified and understandable manner. It can generate diagrams or visual aids to further enhance understanding. Similarly, in Chemistry, ChatGPT can help explain chemical reactions, periodic table trends, and molecular structures. It can also provide real-world examples to make these abstract concepts more relatable for students.

    In Physics, ChatGPT can assist in breaking down complex theories and principles into digestible information. It can help explain concepts such as Newton's laws of motion, thermodynamics, or quantum mechanics with clarity and precision. Furthermore, it can generate problem sets for practice and provide step-by-step solutions to enhance students' problem-solving skills. For Environmental Science, ChatGPT can provide up-to-date information on current environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. It can also suggest practical activities or projects that students can undertake to understand these issues better.

    Price: Version 3.5 is free. Version 4 costs $20 a month.

  • Labster

    Labster: Virtual Simulations

    Labster offers students a hands-on experience in virtual science labs without the need for physical resources. AI-driven simulations adapt to each student's actions, providing real-time feedback and guidance.

    Features: Labster over 300+ simulations covering a wide variety of science topics from biology, chemistry and physics through to more specialized sciences including STEM, microbiology and chemical sciences.

    Labster is a great option, especially when lab equipment is expensive or even dangerous to operate. And Labster’s game-like ambience is intuitive and engaging for kids.

    Price: You can contact Labster to arrange a demo. Labster doesn’t offer prices on its website, so you have to contact them. Expect to be quoted based on the size of your department or institution.

  • Wolfram Alpha

    Wolfram Alpha: Computational Engine

    Wolfram Alpha is an AI-driven computational knowledge engine that offers data analysis, answers factual questions, and resolves mathematical issues.

    Features: Wolfram Alpha provides over 50,000 types of algorithms and equations. For teachers and students of physics, chemistry, and other sciences, it is an invaluable aide.

    Wolfram Alfa performs a wide range of statistical operations and can analyze and generate reports, ranging from basic calculations to complex calculus. Students of the science stream and other areas that require maths can use this tool to better understand statistical information. For instance, Wolfram|Alpha can provide step-by-step explanations to a wide range of physics problems. Wolfram Alpha can also balance chemical equations.

    Price: Wolfram Alfa is free to use with paid options available

  • Spline 3D

    Spline: 3D Animations

    Spline is an AI tool to make 3D designs entirely through text prompts.

    Features: Spline enables users to upload digital media via its website or API, which it then auto-analyzes and converts into 3D models.

    3D modeling includes parametric objects, polygonal editing, and more. Spline includes tools for editing 3D vectors and applying various styles. It facilitates team collaboration and users can easily share users to easily share their 3D designs with others or embed them. Designs can be exported as images, videos, or 3D files.

    Price: Free basic account. “Super” account is $7/month.

  • Khanmigo

    Khanmigo: Personalized Tutoring

    Khanmigo, a product of Khan Academy, is an intelligent tutoring system designed to offer students personalized tutoring. It engages with students either through voice or text.

    Features: Khanmigo is capable of understanding student queries and requirements, thus supplying learners with relevant content and exercises, and offering feedback and motivation. As, it can be a valuable assistant to students working through problems related to physics, chemistry, biology

    In addition to assisting students, Khanmigo also aids teachers in lesson planning by providing AI-guided strategies and offers insightful feedback on student performance.

    Price: An individual Khanmigo account is $9.99 a month. Contact Khanmigo to get a quote for your institution.

  • Sizzle

    Sizzle: Step-by-Step Tutoring

    Sizzle is an AI-driven learning app created by Jerome Pesenti, the former VP of AI at Meta. It offers a tailored approach to solving math equations and word problems,.

    Features: Sizzle guides students through each step of a problem as a tutor chatbot. Sizzle's problem-solving capabilities extends to subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology, accommodating learners of all levels.

    Sizzle assists users in correctly solving a problem. The "Try a Different Approach" feature allows users to propose alternative methods for solving problems. The "Give Me Choices" option presents multiple answers, while the "Answer with a Photo" feature allows for image uploads. If you're stuck, you can ask Sizzle for a definition. Even if your handwriting is poor, Sizzle can decipher it.

    Price: Sizzle is free.

  • Squirrel AI

    Squirrel AI: Adaptive Tutoring

    Squirrel Ai Learning is a Chinese K12 edtech company specializing in intelligent adaptive education. It provides a personalized learning plan and one-on-one tutoring in Chemistry and Physics as well as Math and English.

    Features: Squirrel AI uses generative AI to customize lessons and practice problems based on each student’s unique learning profile. It breaks down a subject into the smallest possible conceptual pieces. In the context of Chemistry, this can mean breaking down the subject into its fundamental concepts such as atomic structure, chemical bonding, reaction mechanisms, thermodynamics, and more. Each of these concepts could be further broken down into smaller sub-concepts.

    Squirrel AI has research agreements with well-regarded institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University and UC-Berkeley etc.

    Price: Contact Squirrel AI for institution pricing.

  • Consensus

    Consensus: Factual Insights

    Consensus is a search engine that uses artificial intelligence to find insights in research papers.

    Features: Consensus utilizes advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze and evaluate the content of scientific articles and studies.

    Students can use Consensus to find supporting evidence for scientific ideas. For example, they can ask about the relationship between concepts and the effects of a concept. They can explore, analyze, and possibly debate the factual basis of controversial scientific theories as outlined in research. All results are tied to actual studies, providing students with credible sources for their research.

    Price: Free up to 20 credit. Premium account is $6.99/month, but there is a student discount.

  • Syntelly

    Syntelly: AI for Chemistry

    Syntelly is an Artificial Intelligence platform designed for the exploration of chemical space.

    Features: Syntelly provides predictive models for the biological, physicochemical, and toxicological properties of organic compounds. Syntelly also offers tools for reaction predictions and visualization of chemical space.

    Students can use the Syntelly database search feature to explore and compare different molecules and get quick access to information about their properties. The reactions tool allows students to predict the outcomes of a chemical reaction and analyze the set of possible reactions to synthesize a required molecule. The SynMap feature lets students explore the chemistry space using deep learning models, analyze clusters of bioactive compounds, and generate new compounds with specified properties. Additionally, students can use the property prediction block for organic molecules that are not in the database.

    Price: Contact for institution pricing.

  • Zygote Body

    Zygote Body

    Zygote Body is an online 3D anatomy atlas that offers a comprehensive and interactive 3D model of the human body.

    Features: Zygote Body enables users to examine, isolate, and study various structures of human anatomy.

    Zygote body can be extremely beneficial for students studying the systems of the human body, because it offers a visual and interactive method to investigate and comprehend the intricate structures and systems within the human body. By interacting with the 3D models, students can achieve a more profound understanding of the spatial relationships among different body parts, which can be challenging to understand from static 2D images or textual descriptions alone.

    Zygote Body uses sophisticated computer graphics techniques to create and manipulate complex 3D models that are closely associated with AI.

    Price: Free. Additional features for students, teachers $4/month.

  • Chatmind

    Chatmind: Visualize Connections

    ChatMind is an innovative AI-powered mind mapping tool designed to streamline and enhance your brainstorming and project management experience.

    Features: Chatmind transforms your questions, articles, or data into a comprehensive mind map with just a click. The tool offers context rewriting and dialogue expansion features, allowing for a more in-depth exploration of ideas. It also provides functionalities for framework sorting, brainstorming, project management, schedule arrangement, and note-taking, making it a versatile tool for various tasks.

    For students studying science ChatMind can be an invaluable aid. It can help math and science students visualize complex concepts and relationships, making abstract ideas more tangible. The tool’s ability to generate detailed mind maps can help students visualize complex scientific concepts, theories, and processes.

    This can be particularly useful in fields like biology, where understanding the interconnections between different biological systems and processes is crucial. Additionally, the context rewriting feature can help explain scientific jargon in a more understandable language, making dense scientific texts more accessible. Moreover, the bookmarking feature allows students to save important URLs for later reference, facilitating efficient study and research.

    Price: One Free credit a month. Basic account is $7.99/month

  • IPCC Climate Science Helper

    The IPCC Climate Science Helper is a chatbot that helps users understand the science behind climate change.

    Features: The IPCC Climate Science Helper is designed to answer questions about climate change and provide users with accurate information on the topic. More specifically, the IPCC Climate Science Helper uses OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) architecture and draws its knowledge from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Predefined topics include include the primary causes of climate change and sea level rise, among others.

    The chatbot is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 language model, which allows it to generate human-like responses to user queries. The chatbot is available on the OpenAI website and can be accessed by anyone who wants to learn more about climate change.

    Tom’s Take: The IPCC Climate Science Helper is a helpful resource for teachers and students who want to learn more about climate change. The chatbot is friendly and can answer a wide range of questions — as long as you don’t stray from the topic of climate change. The IPCC Climate Science Helper is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. But it is powered by GPT-3, not GPT-4, so the chatbot is less accurate and up-to-date than it could be.

    Price: Free

  • Huberman Lab GPT

    Huberman Lab GPT

    The Huberman Lab GPT is a conversational AI chatbot that mimics the approach of Dr. Andrew Huberman in discussing neuroscience and health.

    Features: The Huberman Lab GPT is built on Open AI’s GPT architecture and is pre-trained on large amounts of text data. It functions as a conversational chatbot and offers an interactive and engaging way to learn about neuroscience and health.

    The Huberman Lab GPT is available only to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, but the advantage is that it runs off GPT-4 and not the less-advanced GPT-3.

    Tom’s Take: The Huberman Lab GPT is a an engaging and interactive way for teachers and students who want to learn more about neuroscience and health.. The chatbot is friendly and can answer a wide range of questions — as long as you don’t stray from the topic of neuroscience and health. The is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

    Price: Free if already ChatGPT Plus member, $20 if not

More Tech Tools for Science Teachers

  • BioInteractive


    BioInteractive is a high-quality educational resource that brings biological research to life. It is best suited for high school biology, AP biology, and IB biology classes.

    Features: Teachers can use Biointeractive to develop three-dimensional units centered on authentic scientific phenomena as required by the Next Generation of Science Standards. BioInteractive does some of the work for you by pulling together legitimate scientific data to help with creating assessments and units. It also offers interactive videos with embedded quiz modules that require students to pause and reflect on what they're watching.

    One of the standout features of BioInteractive is its vast collection of interactive materials and activities that highlight actual research. However, pulling together so many resources into a coherent learning sequence can be overwhelming. Despite this, the platform offers superb multimedia tools and lesson plans that help kids explore biology through real-world examples. Overall, BioInteractive is a comprehensive platform for biology education, offering a variety of tools to enhance productivity and efficiency in academic research.

    Price: Free

  • Learn.Genetics


    Learn.Genetics is a popular science website that has been providing free and engaging, multimedia educational materials for over 20 years.

    Features: Learn.Genetics covers a wide range of topics, including basic genetics, genetic science, cell biology, ecology, evolution, human health, neuroscience, and science tools. It offers interactive features such as virtual labs and mathematical models, and it also provides detailed information on various genetic disorders.

    One of the key features of Learn.Genetics is its interactive modules. For example, users can try their hand at organizing a profile of human chromosomes or walk through protein synthesis with an animated example. The website also provides in-depth information on a variety of topics, from the basics of DNA and genes to the roles of RNA in transcription and translation. This makes Learn.Genetics an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about genetics and related fields.

    Price: Free

  • PhET Visual Simulations

    PhET Visual Simulations

    Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, PhET Interactive Simulations is a project at the University of Colorado Boulder that provides free interactive math and science simulations.

    Features: PhET simulations are designed to engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where they learn through exploration and discovery.

    The simulations are developed using several design principles, including encouraging scientific inquiry, providing interactivity, making the invisible visible, showing visual mental models, including multiple representations (e.g., object motion, graphs, numbers, etc.), and using real-world connections.

    PhET is a digital space that holds more than 150 online-based science and math simulations. These simulations are interactive so students can participate as they might in a real-world experiment. Each simulation is backed by a host of helpful resource materials for students and teachers, as well as additional activities. The teaching resources that accompany each simulation do require an account, so teachers will need to sign up to get the most out of the platform. PhET simulations are flexible and can be used with many different educational contexts and styles. They are based on research into how students learn in general, student understanding of specific science concepts, and user interface design.

    Price: Free

AI Tools for Science Research

  • Lumina Chat

    Lumina Chat: Research Assistant

    Lumina-Chat is an AI research assistant that efficiently sifts through over 300,000 journal articles to provide cited answers. I

    Features: Lumina Chat organizes research materials with dedicated bots and enhances learning with LLM models. This tool is designed to save time and improve research quality by providing access to a vast repository of information for accurate and cited answers.

    The platform features an AI-Powered Research Suite that executes research tasks with the help of advanced AI. It also includes dedicated bots for collections, which help organize and manage your research material effectively. Lumina-Chat is particularly useful for science research and learning as it provides a comprehensive and efficient way to access, analyze, and manage large amounts of scientific literature.

    Price: Free

  • HeyScience

    HeyScience: AI Assistant

    HeyScience is a personal AI assistant that provides data-driven confidence to empower your research.

    Features: HeyScience offers an Intelligent Review feature that navigates the complexities of journal submissions, equipping you with insightful analytics and assured quality.

    The platform also offers a variety of products such as the Trend Detector, Topic Explorer, Scientist Spotlight, and Deep-Digest. These tools help you follow concepts and ideas, maintain awareness of research trends, conduct literature research, stay current with researchers in your field, and read simplified summaries of scientific articles.

    Overall, HeyScience appears to be a comprehensive platform for researchers, offering a variety of tools to enhance productivity and efficiency in academic research.

    Price: Free

  • BioAutoMATED

    BioAutoMATED: Biology Models

    BioAutoMATED is an automated machine-learning system that can select and build an appropriate model for a given dataset and even take care of the laborious task of data preprocessing.

    Features: BioAutoMATED is specifically designed for biology research, and it aims to democratize artificial intelligence for research labs. The project is led by Jim Collins, the Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering and Science in the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT.

    BioAutoMATED aims to solve a pressing problem: it would take many weeks of effort to figure out the appropriate model for a given dataset, which is a really prohibitive step for many people who want to use machine learning for biology.

    The open-source code is publicly available, and researchers emphasize that it is easy to run.

    Price: Free

  • SciSpace CoPilot

    SciSpace CoPilot: Personal Research Assistant

    SciSpace CoPilot is an AI-powered personal research assistant designed to enhance your scientific literature reading experience.

    Features: SciSpace CoPilot is available as a Chrome extension, and allows you to ask questions directly within the text you’re reading and receive immediate answers.

    It can explain complex paragraphs, scientific formulas, mathematical equations, and tables, all in real-time. Simply highlight the text you need help with, and the CoPilot will provide a clear explanation. It supports 13 languages, allowing you to receive explanations in your native language. Additionally, it offers a bookmarking feature, enabling you to save URLs for later reference.

    Price: Free

  • Elicit AI

    Elicit: Simplify Research

    Elicit AI is an advanced research assistant that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate research workflows. It is designed to help users navigate and understand relevant research articles in-depth.

    Features: Elicit AI can find pertinent papers without relying on exact keyword matches and extract key information from these papers to answer user’s questions. It also synthesizes evidence and arguments, designs research plans, and evaluates interventions. One standout feature is how Elicit helps you extract intricate details and organize them into a clear table, simplifying the analysis.

    Science students can also greatly benefit from Elicit AI. The tool can assist in finding and analyzing relevant scientific research papers, saving students valuable time and effort. It can extract key information from these papers, helping students understand complex scientific concepts, theories, and processes. The tool’s ability to synthesize evidence and arguments can also aid students in writing research papers or reports. Furthermore, Elicit AI’s research plan design feature can help students plan and conduct scientific experiments or studies.

    Price: Try for free and receive 5,000 credits. Basic account is $10/month

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